Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Please don't hate me...

Let me preface with a few of the reasons I started writing a blog in 2011.
  1. I graduated with a degree in journalism. My job doesn't have me writing much, except emails, and that doesn't count. I wanted to keep my writing skills sharp. 
  2. In 2011, I knew a little bit about web design and content management, but not much. I wanted to challenge myself to do more with that.
  3. I love design and photography. But again, I don't get to do much of that at my current job. I wanted to give myself an outlet to keep pursuing the things I like to create.
  4. Technology is changing faster than my brain works. I created my first blog, Ramble (which turned into mrsblogbacktome after I got married), to give myself an excuse to keep up with the latest and greatest on the Internets.
This leads me the topic for today. In about one week, I will be moving blogs again. I believe that this will be a more permanent spot, as I will be purchasing a domain name.

I want to address a couple of fears I have about doing this, and then explain why I'm doing this.

My main fear is that I'll loose some of you. Moving domains twice is a lot. I hope that I won't loose any readers, because as always, my main goal is to share my struggles and victories with each of you in hopes to be a sort of web-friend encourager to you. I don't want my moving around to different sites to turn anyone off from being encouraged or supported.

The other fear I have is that I'm not good enough. I'll be moving from a pretty user-friendly template from Google's "Blogger" hosting site, to a pretty in-depth hosting site. I'll actually be spending my "splurge" money on the domain name and the host site. In my mind, I keep telling myself that it's silly to do that; I don't have enough readers to maintain anything like this. I'm also nervous about all of the web design and content management that goes into it, because it's a lot heftier than what Blogger requires me to do. But, with that comes a lot more creative freedom.

So here's the WHY:
  • I miss being mrsblogbacktome. I loved how fluid everything was with that site. From Twitter to Pinterest, everything was "branded" the same, if you will. Since I work in public relations and advertising, branding is a pretty big thing in my book.
  • I really love Heavy & Lite and the idea behind it. I love that it's biblically grounded in scripture of giving everything over to Christ, since that's what I struggle with most often. 
  • I love the phases of life that I've gone through in each blog. With mrsblogbacktome, there's my initial blog posts that were so scattered and crazy. Then there was the engagement phase of life that I walked through with Jason. Then we got married and I walked through those first months of marriage on that blog. With Heave & Lite, we've completed our first year of marriage, bought a house, and are trying to get a grasp on this whole adult-life thing. 
  • The new site will allow me to combine the two blogs so that I have access to everything in one place.
  • There is so much room to grow at this new site. 
  • Everything is accessible and in one place. I already mentioned that I can combine mrsblogbacktome and Heavy & Lite. Also, I can add recipes, folders, Etsy orders, and my portfolio if I choose to. For Heavy & Lite, I was using an external recipe index builder, which is fine, but it's A LOT of work to add just one recipe. This site allows me to have as many as I want and it hosts the index within the site.
  • The new host site gets rid of a lot of clutter.
I know a lot of this is just mumbo-jumbo and you probably don't care that much. But for those of you who are sitting there going, "Girl, you gotta get it together!" I wanted to explain myself.

So starting next Monday, October 7th, I will be launching

I haven't decided if I'm going to keep posting on Heavy & Lite until then, or if I'm just going to save up and have a full first week on the new blog, but I'll keep you posted either way (pun intended).

Last but not least, I want to just shout THANK YOU to all of you who read this little ole thing. I really didn't think anyone would ever read my blog, and with mrsblogbacktome and Heavy & Lite combined, I've had over 13,000 views. I pray that the Lord works through each word that I type. Thank you for sticking with me, and I promise I won't do this to you again (at least for a while).

And here's a little preview of what you'll see Monday:

Have a great Wednesday everyone!
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